HR security. How to reduce direct and consequential damages of an enterprise by 60%?

We all know that one of the key resources of an enterprise is its staff. But how often do we start wondering what damage this key resource can cause to the organisation? And what can be considered as threats to HR security? Let’s discuss this today.

For a start, some of the global statistics:

  • 10-15 % of all people are by definition dishonest, 10-15 % are absolutely honest, the rest 70-80 % are hesitating, i.e. they will cheat if the risk to get caught becomes minimal.
  • Loss of company’s tangible assets usually happens because of its employees. Only 20 % out of all attempts to break into the network and get unauthorised access to computer information originate from outside. Company’s staff is involved in the rest 80 %.
  • Findings of numerous studies evidence that safety of enterprise resources and secrets up to 80 % depends on appropriate staff selection, profiling and management.
  • Statistically, problems in HR security sphere (these cover damage caused by staff intentionally) cost from 6 to 9% of enterprise profit.
  • Efficient HR function performance in terms of ensuring HR security can nearly by 60 % reduce direct damages and prevent consequential damages of an enterprise related to staff and labour relations in general.


What can be considered as threats for HR security system?

Intentional damage and losses, misconduct and confidential data breach, negligence, sabotage, ignorant use of resources, unprofessional performance, lack of action, and turnover of our staff and colleagues – all these are the threats for HR security system.


HR Security


What is to be done?

There is no standard recipe in HR security arrangements. Each enterprise identifies existing threats and remedial actions on its own. However, the obvious conclusions spring to mind:

  • Strengthen your employer brand and corporate culture
  • Establish a robust staff management system
  • Offer the jobseekers and own employees favourable working conditions and competitive level of financial and moral benefits
  • Clearly and accurately define business processes, regulations, operating procedures and standards of your company
  • Organise free internal and external communications
  • Monitor changes and innovations at labour market and those used by competitors
  • Be open to more efficient and innovative proposals of your employees and colleagues

Good luck and may success attend you in preventing damages and threats for your business!




Translation into English and editing – Nellya Dyshlovaya


Establishment of service quality management system

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